The story of Matthew

We looked at the Bible and we discussed the old testament and the new testament. The first book in the New Testament is the Gospel of Matthew. It is named after one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. We discussed the story of Matthew that is found in Matthew 9.9-13.

We found out that when Jesus was on Earth, he often spent time with people who were disliked or unpopular with others. Jesus believed that everyone should be allowed a chance for their lives to be changed so that they could have a fresh start.  We discussed when we have been given a second chance and we we have given others second chances


Walk to Ffryd Woods

We really enjoyed our walk to Ffryd Woods. We looked at all of the different trees and plants and talked about the animals that might live in the woods.

Open the Book

Children from Dosbarth Gwennol enjoyed joining the Open the Book team to act out the story of ‘The Last Supper’

Animal Man

On Wednesday 22nd March we welcomed the animal man and his friends!


We marked the start of Ramadan on Wednesday 22nd March by making a range of decorations.

Knighton & District Refugee Support Group

Larry Wright visited our school on 20th March 2023 to lead a collective worship session explaining his role within the Knighton & District Refugee Support Group. We discussed what a ‘refugee’ is and what we can do to help. We found out that Knighton & District Refugee Support Group welcomes and supports people seeking refuge in the UK. Larry continues to lead fortnightly assemblies with a values based focus focusing on offering sanctuary to people facing forced migration.

The River Project.

Year six pupils had the opportunity to take part in a new project by the river. They carried out various activities and built a beaver den.