PC Ainsworth

Today we were visited by PC Ainsworth who spoke to us about drugs. We considered the different types of drugs … medicines, legal and illegal. We then discussed the dangers of drugs. This is a really important conversation to have and would be worth following up at home.

Cross Country Certificates!

We have finally received our cross country certificates. The children in Year 3 did so well, all getting a participation certificate, and the boys won 1st place in the teams, and got a medal. Da iawn pawb!

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Forest School

Children have enjoyed building and fire lighting.

Forest School

The children have been fantastic using tools to make wooden necklaces.

Forest School - fires!

Toni and Hels from Branching Out visited us again, this time we were lighting fires. All children showed great perseverance in trying to get the fires started. Despite it being June we all appreciated the warmth from the fires and even more than that, we loved the toasted marshmallows! We also made our own charcoal which we are excited to create some art work with!

Forest School with Branching Out

Today our class has been lucky enough to work with Toni and Hels in a Forest School session.

We used a pruning saw a to cut a branch of a hazel tree to create a rope ladder. Others created dens whilst waiting. Lots of skills were developed, including resilience, team-work, communication and empathy.

Elliott the lamb visited us

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to be visited by Hudson’s mum and their lamb. We thought of lots of interesting questions including why Elliott was wearing a nappy.
