Playtime Fun!

Year 5 and 6 children have been very inventive in their games this week in the wooded area on the field and creating obstacle course on the playground. They have also enjoyed some fab football games too.


Please go to our Y5/Y6 TEAMS chat on Hwb to access the work that we would like you to complete on Friday 7th January for home learning.  Don’t forget to go on Emile and TT Rockstars to practise your tables, and Nessy to practise your spelling please!

Reading records will need to have 8 signatures in them when you return to school- if you have left your reading record at school then please make sure that you write down what you have read on a piece of paper and ask a grown up to sign to say that you have completed your reading each time.

John Beddoes Visit

Y5 and Y6 were invited up to John Beddoes to take part in music and PE lessons- we had a great time composing Chinese music and playing Secret Santa dodgeball!

BSL lesson

Y5 and Y6 went down to the library to learn about British Sign Language- we found it really interesting and particularly enjoyed learning how to sign Christmas words and a Christmas song.

The Animal Man

As a Christmas treat we invited the Animal Man to come in and work with all the bubbles- it was fantastic and linked in really well with our Y5/Y6 topic!



Science day

All children in year 5 and 6 engaged in science and technology activities. They made bath bombs following a BBC Good Food recipe. They planned and made packaging, thinking about what they should include on the packaging like attractive colours, designs and an ingredients list. Lucy said she enjoyed making her own products. Molly P said she liked working with other people. Freddie B said he liked measuring out and mixing to make the bath bombs. The children also looked at how different types of salt reacted in paint.

It was a very busy and productive day. We hope the children enjoyed using their products at home!

Music Workshop on Well-Being Wednesday!


We really enjoyed our music session with Jim Elliot today.  We learnt about different types of guitar, increased our musical vocabulary and also played some tunes on the boomwhackers!  It was great fun!

‘It was helpful to find out more about guitars’ Conna Y6

‘It was brilliant playing the boomwhackers!’  Lennie Y5