
Photobooth fun to raise awareness of children’s mental health in Cnoc-y-coed!

Team Games

We have all had a lot of fun playing team games out in the sunshine! We managed to pass the ball around a circle only using our feet and we didn’t even drop it! What a giggle!


This week we spent time thinking about the different jobs in school and what the people doing those jobs are responsible for. The children had lively debates and shared lots of ideas. Great discussion Cnoc-y-Coed!

Forest School fun in Year 4!

Jubilee Celebrations!

What a fabulous end to half term celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee out on the playground. It was lovely for us to be able to come together after such a long time!

Year 4

Exploring and building shelters for some other animals!

The Spaceguard Centre

Today we walked to and from the Spaceguard Centre; approximately 12,000 adult steps! Everyone walked really sensibly and enjoyed the views! We learned some really amazing facts too!