
We were so lucky to work with Tanya to develop our Zumba skills on Wednesday. Here are some of our pictures.

Well-being Day!

In the morning, we discussed what makes a good day and a bad day and how to change things when they are going wrong. We then had great fun in the sun playing with the circus skills equipment in the morning. After lunch, when we weren’t swimming, we played yard games, including ‘Mr. Martian’, Duck, Duck Goose and Wink Murder. What a lovely active day we had.

Well-being day! Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl!

Years 5 and 6 took part in lots of different activities which promote a positive mental health, these included; Forest School, baking, team-building games, Lego, K’nex, art and more….! We think everyone had a great time, even if the biscuits didn’t taste quite as we had hoped!

Wellbeing Day\Diwrnod Lles

We have had a wonderful morning of wellbeing activities. The children have loved developing their circus skills, painting symmetrical butterflies, modelling with playdough, playing games and baking cupcakes!


In Science, we have been learning about the life processes and habitats. We decided to create our own micro habitats in our school garden.

Pentabus; part 2!

This week we thought about home; what is it? We had to consider the 5 senses when thinking about home. We then gave a word to describe home….calm, happy, relaxed, like I can do whatever I want, entertained, sleepy…!


This week our literacy focus has been poetry so we have been learning Traditional Rhymes. We have learned, ‘Pat a Cake Pat a Cake’, ‘Old Mother Hubbard’, ‘Two Little Dickie Birds’ and skipping rhyme ‘Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.’