Easter Gardens

We have been learning why Christians celebrate Easter. Today we learned about Easter Sunday. Following the story we made Easter gardens on plates. We have included crosses, the tomb, a path and flowers.

1940's Tea Party

The children have really enjoyed planning and preparing for their 1940’s themed party. Special thanks to Louise Hardwick for baking with the children, staff and volunteers and parents for supporting the event.

Sensory Circuits

Today, the children took calculated risks, concentrated, worked cooperatively together and had lots of fun.


Year five and six had a go at a simple orienteering task. They went outside to look for letters on the field. They marked this on their maps and then came back inside to work out the coordinates and then worked out the word.
It was a challenging activity- particularly when it started to rain and their maps got wet!

Dathliad Cymraeg/St David's Day Celebrations

Well done to all our Dathliad Cymraeg competition winners. We celebrated their efforts in a special assembly where we were also joined by one woman band Mrs Judith Phillips, who taught us ‘A Lan Y Mor.’

Hot Cross Bun Baking

Today, as part of our RE work, we made hot cross buns with some special helpers. We followed the recipe and thought about when we eat hot cross buns and why there is a cross on the top.

New Teachers!

Today the children have enjoyed applying their number bonds when writing their own word problems. They wrote their own problems and enjoyed asking their friends to solve them.

Cross Country!

Some of the children in Years 3,4,5&6 went to a cross country competition at Bedstone. The children showed great determination as the course was tough but came away with some great results. Da Iawn!

Science Enrichment Day!

In years 2 and 3, we worked in groups to investigate friction, electricity, magnets and forces.