Creating Volcanoes

We created our own interpretation of an erupting volcano when we were fin ding out how volcanoes were formed.

Forest School

Year 3 enjoyed their forest school session. They displayed fantastic skills of resilience, perseverance and worked well together as a team.

Earth Artwork!

Year 2 and 3 have worked hard to create a piece of artwork depicting one of the Elements, Earth. Da iawn pawb!

Holocaust Memorial Day

This morning we thought about the Holocaust; what happened, when and to whom. We studied some of the laws imposed upon Jewish people at that time. Pupils noticed that as time went on the laws became more extreme.
Some of the laws that made them feel sad was that ‘Jewish people were not allowed to marry non-Jewish people’ and ‘Jewish children were not allowed to go to school with non-Jewish children’.
One of the laws that made them feel scared was that ‘Jewish people must be home from 8pm in the winter and 9pm in the summer’.

Joe Wicks

We have enjoyed a ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ today! We found out that it is important to always do a warm up and we concentrated hard to carry out the exercises. We were very hot and tired afterwards but had lots of FUN!!

Mantle of the Expert

Children in Dosbarth Gwennol and Dosbarth Jac-Y-Do have come up with lots of ideas around their Mantle of the Expert theme of Elements for this term. Here are some of their ideas…