Den building

Key stage 2 children have been using the new woodland resources to build and play in some brilliant dens.



The children were keen to jot down their ideas about what they would like to learn next term, for our ‘Out of this world!’ topic. They worked in groups to discuss what they would like to explore further for each of the six areas of learning.


We welcomed Impelo dance group in to school today. We watched a dance about cells in our body and then took part in a dance workshop that helped us understand more about how the different cells in the body work!

Knighton Youth Service Workshop!

Y6 enjoyed a visit from Phil and Sophie, from Knighton Youth Service on Thursday 17th February. Many Y6 children have already been to Youth Club at The Comm on a Wednesday evening, 6.30pm-8.30pm and taken part in lots of fun activities!

Dance Workshop!

We were excited to welcome Jemma, a dance practitioner, to our school to begin a dance project! Each class was able to take part in a dance workshop with her today! We all had a great time and it was a fab way to keep fit and active!

Eisteddfod Dydd Gลตyl Dewi

Your child’s homework over this half term holiday will be to enter one (or more) of the competitions for our Dydd Dathliad Cymraeg which will be held on Friday 4th March. Our Dydd Dathliad Cymraeg is our schools day for celebrating St. David’s Day. All entries need to be uploaded onto HWB and shared with the designated teacher. Remember the more entries you compete in, the more chance you will have of winning a prize. There will be a prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd for each category per key stage (Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2). All entries need to be in by Tuesday 1st March.

Safer Internet Talk

PC Viv came in to see years 5 and 6 and talk to us about how to be safe online. We found out about how to ensure our information is shared online and PC Viv told us to check our profiles to make sure they are private and not open to public viewing.