World Book Day

On Thursday we welcomed Judith and Gilles to share a story with us about the ‘Legend of the whistling tree’ . They read the story in English, Welsh and French. We really enjoyed finding out about the French legend.

We also looked at the story of Handa’s Suprise and we completed a variety of activities based on the story.

St. David's Day

We have enjoyed a variety of activities to celebrate St. David’s Day. We sung our hearts out to ‘Dydd Cofio Dewi Sant’ and ‘Yma o Hyd’, we read some Welsh stories and we played ‘Trap Llygodyn’ and ‘Faint o’r gloch ydy Mister Blaidd?’


Dathliad Cymraeg/St David's Day Celebrations

Well done to all our Dathliad Cymraeg competition winners. We celebrated their efforts in a special assembly where we were also joined by one woman band Mrs Judith Phillips, who taught us ‘A Lan Y Mor.’

Evacuee Assembly

We enjoyed dressing up and celebrating all of the fantastic work that we have done this term relating to our Mantle of the Expert theme of Journeys. The children performed great on stage, and should be proud of their efforts! Da iawn pawb!

Cross Country

Well done to all the children who took part in the cross country at Bedstone. It was tough but they all put in 100% effort and it was a great day!

Cross Country!

Some of the children in Years 3,4,5&6 went to a cross country competition at Bedstone. The children showed great determination as the course was tough but came away with some great results. Da Iawn!

Life in 1940s!!!

We had a special visit from Julie and Laura from Knighton Museum. They bought a variety of artefacts from the 1940’s for the children to look at. The children had great fun, and it reminded them of what life used to be like years ago.

UK Parliament Assembly

We were visited by Claire Dare this afternoon. She came in to tell us about how parliament works and we even had a go at passing a law of our own! It was great fun and we were able to learn a lot.

Sports Council Club!

Children in Year 2 and 3 were really excited to be chosen by our Sports Council Ambassadors to be involved in their lunchtime sports club. They enjoyed a range of games aimed at improving their balance and co-ordination.

Jiving with Emily George!

We have been Learning to Jive with Emily George.  We listened carefully to Glen Miller’s ‘In the Mood’ and we created our own ‘Jive’ moves to accompany it.