
We marked the start of Ramadan on Wednesday 22nd March by making a range of decorations.

Knighton & District Refugee Support Group

Larry Wright visited our school on 20th March 2023 to lead a collective worship session explaining his role within the Knighton & District Refugee Support Group. We discussed what a ‘refugee’ is and what we can do to help. We found out that Knighton & District Refugee Support Group welcomes and supports people seeking refuge in the UK. Larry continues to lead fortnightly assemblies with a values based focus focusing on offering sanctuary to people facing forced migration.

The River Project.

Year six pupils had the opportunity to take part in a new project by the river. They carried out various activities and built a beaver den.

Visit from the Animal Man

We had a fantastic time this morning looking at all of the different animals that the Animal Man brought in. He showed us a chinchilla, cockroaches, spiders, snakes, a scorpion, a bearded dragon and a chameleon.

St. David's Day

We have enjoyed a variety of activities to celebrate St. David’s Day. We sung our hearts out to ‘Dydd Cofio Dewi Sant’ and ‘Yma o Hyd’, we read some Welsh stories and we played ‘Trap Llygodyn’ and ‘Faint o’r gloch ydy Mister Blaidd?’


Dathliad Cymraeg/St David's Day Celebrations

Well done to all our Dathliad Cymraeg competition winners. We celebrated their efforts in a special assembly where we were also joined by one woman band Mrs Judith Phillips, who taught us ‘A Lan Y Mor.’

The Last Garden

We worked with Peter and Sharon to create another story based on ‘The Last Garden’. The story was based in Bosnia in 1996 and told the story of a girl that had to leave her home and her beautiful garden. We travelled back in time and met Slev who had taken refuge in the garden. He had no home and was looking after lots of children that had lost their families. They also met Zara’s mum (a character from the story ) who had returned back to her home after many years away from the garden. The children had the opportunity to hot seat her and ask her questions about her life and what it was like being a refugee.

The children decided that they would like to help Slev, Zara and her mum rebuild the garden. So they went back to the future and gathered resources that they would need to grow the garden again. When they returned to the garden and rebuilt it, they welcomed Zara back and they all had a party.