World Book Day 2023

We enjoyed listening to the story of Little Red Riding and then carrying out lots of fun activities based on the story.

RE with Mr Meredith

On Thursday we had a visit from Mr Meredith. He shared a religious story with us called ‘Peter and the Fish’. We all drew a fish to go in to Peter’s net and looked at a painting which linked with the story. Thank you Mr Meredith!

Making hot cross buns

We had a great day making hot cross buns to link in with our RE lesson! We had a go at reading instructions and following the recipe. We took it in turns to weigh and add the ingredients in to the bowl and mix them together. We thought about why there is a cross on top of a hot cross bun.

Our Evacuee Assembly

We enjoyed dressing up and celebrating all of the fantastic work that we have done this term relating to our Mantle of the Expert theme of Journeys.

We enjoyed welcoming parents back into class to look at our work.

Peter the Fisherman

John Meredith, the Diocese Director of Education has been working with Year 2 and 3 pupils to create animations depicting the story of how Peter was chosen to be a disciple.

RE with Mr Meredith-Peter and the Fish

Today we enjoyed a visit from Mr Meredith, Head of Education for the Brecon and Swansea Diocese. He told us a Bible story and then we created fish to put in Peter’s net and looked at a religious painting. He was so impressed with how articulate we all were and how well we could share our ideas.

Science Enrichment Day

Awe and Wonder was our focus today! We made cornflour slime, bubble paintings, lemon volcanoes and fireworks in a jar. Lots of scientific learning and great fun!


This Week Year One have been working in maths on their coin recognition and using this learning to pay for items.