
We were so lucky to work with Tanya to develop our Zumba skills on Wednesday. Here are some of our pictures.

Well-being Day

We enjoyed a range of activities including outdoor Andy Goldsworthy artwork, circus skills, physical literacy and we looked picking the delicious apples from the tree to make apply crumble.


Well-being Day!

In the morning, we discussed what makes a good day and a bad day and how to change things when they are going wrong. We then had great fun in the sun playing with the circus skills equipment in the morning. After lunch, when we weren’t swimming, we played yard games, including ‘Mr. Martian’, Duck, Duck Goose and Wink Murder. What a lovely active day we had.

Diwrnod Shwmae Su'mae

We celebrated Welsh speaking by learning a Welsh song, doing some mindful Welsh word colouring and playing Welsh yard games. We had a fun day!

Diwrnod Shwmae/Shwmae Day

Today we enjoyed learning the song, ‘Shwmae, Shwmae’, colouring Welsh pictures and wearing our Welsh colours for ‘Shwmae Shwmae Day.’

Shwmae Suโ€™mae!

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dawnsio gwerin, canu caneuon gwerin a โ€˜popโ€™, chwarae genau, gwrando ar gerddoriaeth a lliwio!

We have been doing some folk dancing, singing folk and pop songs, playing games, listening to music and colouring!

Shwmae Shwmae Day!

Year 2 and 3 enjoyed celebrating Shwmae Shwmae day! We looked at Welsh singers and started learning the Welsh National Anthem, we drew pictures of Welsh landmarks, played some Welsh yard games, and Welsh Bingo!