Science Enrichment Day

Awe and Wonder was our focus today! We made cornflour slime, bubble paintings, lemon volcanoes and fireworks in a jar. Lots of scientific learning and great fun!

Safer Internet Day 2023

Following the reading of ‘Hanni’s Magic Window’ we played a board game that reinforced who to and how to ask for help. We also used the ‘Like Ladder’ to order the online activities from our favourite to least favourite.


This Week Year One have been working in maths on their coin recognition and using this learning to pay for items.

Planning for Spring 2023-Journey

We discussed the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. Following this we created our own magical world using resources from the classroom on the carpet. Then we talked about different journeys we could take using different transports. We worked in groups to create freeze frames of these journeys.