The Animal Man

As a Christmas treat we invited the Animal Man to come in and work with all the bubbles- it was fantastic and linked in really well with our Y5/Y6 topic!



Christmas games!


This week the children have worked in small groups to create their own board games based on Christmas; they were all so focussed and creative!!

We’ve also learned how to use column division this week; it’s a tricky one but they can all see how much they have improved in their understanding of the strategy already!

Friday 7th January 2022-Reception/Year 1 Blended Learning

Nessy and Emile

Play some games on Nessy and Emile to practise your reading, spelling and number skills. Logins are in your home readers and instructions were sent home last term and are on the website under your child’s class.


Look at your reading books that were sent home at the end of term. Please remember to comment in the reading record.

Name Writing

If your child is unable to write their name, this could be practised in felt tip pen, outside with a brush and water or paint on paper.


Practise forming your numbers correctly.ย  Can you put the correct number of objects by each number? Can year ones go up to 20?

Play some of the above counting games.

Favourite Christmas Present

Draw a picture of your favourite Christmas gift and colour it in. Can you label what it is? For some this will be mark making. Can you write why you like it so much.



Nessy and Emile

As you are aware, the school has purchased โ€˜Nessyโ€™ and โ€˜Emileโ€™, which your children can access at home. Nessy develops reading and spelling skills and Emile develops mathematical skills through the playing of fun games. Your child has their login details for both Nessy and Emile inside their yellow home reader books. Google either Nessy or Emile and enter your login details.


Enter the secret word โ€˜HAPPYFINCHโ€™ and then click โ€˜Login.โ€™

Once you have entered your login details you will see the following page.

Select Nessy Reading and Spelling and away you go!


Select โ€˜Student Login.โ€™

Select โ€˜Browser optionโ€™ and type โ€˜Knighton CIW Primary Schoolโ€™ and enter your login details.

At the above screen ensure that โ€˜Number Senseโ€™ is selected on the left side and click โ€˜Number Primus.โ€™ A game will then appear. Enjoy!


Carols around the tree!

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for carols around the tree; the children really enjoyed being able to share the songs with you, we hope you enjoyed it too!

Human Rights Day

On Friday 10th December we learnt a lot about human rights and responsibilities. We found out how rights and responsibilities differ and what our rights are as children. We made people chains to celebrate how different people are in our community and around the world.