John Meredith, the Diocese Director of Education has been working with Year 2 and 3 pupils to create animations depicting the story of how Peter was chosen to be a disciple.

Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
Following our whole school assembly celebration of World Religion Day, Year 2 children enjoyed focusing on the Hindu Creation story. They discussed the story, the characters and the similarities and differences between the Hindu creation story and the Christian creation story. Some of the children created dances to depict the story, some composed music o accompany the story and others created a collage of Vishnu and Brahma.
On Tuesday 15th November the Worship Council were delighted to meet Bishop John and give him a tour of our school.
We have been looking at the work of Welsh artist, Jeremy Thomas, and have produced our own work based on his theme, ‘The Human One’-As ‘Artist in Residence’ at St Mary’s Priory he has been working on a series of thirty oil paintings that illustrate the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will post our work up here when it is finished for you to look at!
The children received their bibles and enjoyed a lovely farewell service, given by Rev. Petra and John Meredith, not forgetting ‘Bob’ the snail!