Tanio'r Ddraig

On Thursday 23rd January 2020, Miss Davies and four very enthusiastic Criw Cymraeg members attended a very exciting day in Builth Wells.

The day gave us a range of ideas and activities to implement within our school to help us to fulfil the requirements for the language Charter. We carried out the following workshops; ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ a show to explain the Welsh Culture and Language, ‘Mr Phormula’ a Welsh Beatboxer, a Welsh Yoga session and a Welsh music session.

This is what the children thought about the day;

‘It was the best day ever!’

‘I can’t believe Mr Phormula makes all of that music by just using his voice.’

‘We had so much fun and used lots of Welsh.’

‘The activities were amazing, I loved the Yoga.’

Useful Apps/Apps Defnyddiol

These are the apps we use in school to help us learn Welsh.

Foundation Phase/Cyfnod Sylfaen 

Llyfrau Bach Magi Ann

Read and enjoy the Magi Ann books while learning new language patterns and vocabulary.

Tric a Chlic 

Learn all about the Welsh alphabet through fun games.

Cyfri Gyda Cyw

Learn how to count in Welsh with these fun games and songs.

Key Stage 2/Cyfnod Allweddol 2

Codi Hwyl

Pupils will learn new vocabulary through playing exciting games.

Campau Cosmig

Mini games to improve Welsh vocabulary and skills.

Say it Welsh

Welsh word of the day app where learners can increase their vocabulary.