Literacy Enrichment Day

We went on a nature walk looking at all of the signs of Autumn. We used this as inspiration to write poems based on Alan Peate ‘ly’ sentences.


We were so lucky to work with Tanya to develop our Zumba skills on Wednesday. Here are some of our pictures.

Well-being Day

We enjoyed a range of activities including outdoor Andy Goldsworthy artwork, circus skills, physical literacy and we looked picking the delicious apples from the tree to make apply crumble.


Shwmae Shwmae Day!

Year 2 and 3 enjoyed celebrating Shwmae Shwmae day! We looked at Welsh singers and started learning the Welsh National Anthem, we drew pictures of Welsh landmarks, played some Welsh yard games, and Welsh Bingo!

Bishop's Wood

Year 2 and 3 had a fantastic time at Bishop’s Wood on 13th September. We learnt Latin, marched like Roman soldiers, built a Roman fort, used gromas to build Roman Roads, listened to and created our own Roman myths and we investigated item that the Romans brought into Britain from the empire.


In Science, we have been learning about the life processes and habitats. We decided to create our own micro habitats in our school garden.

Joseph Coelho

On 12th September year 2 children were privileged to meet Poet Laureate Joseph Coelho. They listened carefully to his poetry, joined in with his performance poetry and created their own poetry.

Staying Safe!

PC Ainsworth visited Year 2 and 3 to talk about playing safely. The children came up with good ideas on how they could stay safe, and what to do when they need help.


We have enjoyed gardening with Tom from the Community Garden and we look forward to sampling some of the vegetables in the Autumn.