P4C -Philosophy for Children

Would you rather, have dinner with a witch or a frog for dinner?

We discussed this question in great length and then took a vote. You will see from the photo that nearly all pupils chose to have dinner with a witch, mainly because frogs are too slimy!!

Diwrnod Shwmae/Shwmae Day

Today we enjoyed learning the song, ‘Shwmae, Shwmae’, colouring Welsh pictures and wearing our Welsh colours for ‘Shwmae Shwmae Day.’

Wellbeing Day\Diwrnod Lles

We have had a wonderful morning of wellbeing activities. The children have loved developing their circus skills, painting symmetrical butterflies, modelling with playdough, playing games and baking cupcakes!

Our Meadow/Ein Gweirglodd

We have created a meadow as a class. We drew minibeasts that would live in the meadow and thought about the different habitats within the meadow. We are a team of conservationists, that have been asked to find out about and take care of the minibeasts in the meadow.

Rainbow Fish\Pysgoden Enfys

In RE we listened to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish.’ We talked about how we could be peace makers, through sharing and our kindness.


This week our literacy focus has been poetry so we have been learning Traditional Rhymes. We have learned, ‘Pat a Cake Pat a Cake’, ‘Old Mother Hubbard’, ‘Two Little Dickie Birds’ and skipping rhyme ‘Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.’


We are learning how to describe our families in Welsh. This week, Year One, have used their reading skills to create sentences to state how many brothers and sisters they have.