Easter Bonnets

We loved wearing our Easter bonnets and enjoyed going on a parade around the school for children in other classes to see.

Visit from the Animal Man

We had a fantastic time this morning looking at all of the different animals that the Animal Man brought in. He showed us a chinchilla, cockroaches, spiders, snakes, a scorpion, a bearded dragon and a chameleon.

Dathliad Cymraeg/St David's Day Celebrations

Well done to all our Dathliad Cymraeg competition winners. We celebrated their efforts in a special assembly where we were also joined by one woman band Mrs Judith Phillips, who taught us ‘A Lan Y Mor.’

RE with Mr Meredith

On Thursday we had a visit from Mr Meredith. He shared a religious story with us called ‘Peter and the Fish’. We all drew a fish to go in to Peter’s net and looked at a painting which linked with the story. Thank you Mr Meredith!

Making hot cross buns

We had a great day making hot cross buns to link in with our RE lesson! We had a go at reading instructions and following the recipe. We took it in turns to weigh and add the ingredients in to the bowl and mix them together. We thought about why there is a cross on top of a hot cross bun.

Science Enrichment Day

Awe and Wonder was our focus today! We made cornflour slime, bubble paintings, lemon volcanoes and fireworks in a jar. Lots of scientific learning and great fun!

Hula hoop story telling with Peter

We have had a fantastic afternoon with Peter story telling. We pretended that we went to Alaska, the North Pole, a desert, a volcano and space and thought about what we might pack in our bag. We thought about how we could use a prop such as rope, boots, a hat, tape, binoculars etc. to solve a problem that we might face on the way.

Story telling with Peter

We had a great time with Peter on Thursday learning all about story telling! We created our own stories based off ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘Loopy Luna and the Hula Hoop’.