Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
The children received their bibles and enjoyed a lovely farewell service, given by Rev. Petra and John Meredith, not forgetting ‘Bob’ the snail!
Aims/Targets |
Activities & tasks |
Who, where, how, when |
Cost | Monitoring:
Evidence collection |
Of effectiveness |
Healthy Living
To increase the number of fruit/vegetable portions in lunchboxes To reduce the number of ‘high salt/sugar/fat’ items in lunchboxes
Stickers for healthy lunchboxes based on eat-well-plate…Healthy Schools Council to promote and award.
Share photos of healthy lunchboxes on the school website to share good ideas |
Healthy Schools Council | Stickers | Posters to promote
Facebook posts Photos to celebrate
School grounds
See action plan of Growing council |
Global Citizenships
To learn about another culture
Learn about another country through topic- Indian Summer
Year 1/2- links to Palestine; communicating with children in school there. Song- Rights of the Child. |
Key Stage 2- during lessons
Led by JM |
NA | Through Thema books and any other work created through topic
Emails |
As part of Safer Internet Day on the 9th of February 2021, WISE KIDS is hosting 2 online interactive workshops which will also feature guest panellists. These workshops will explore how we assess online content and interactions, and the knowledge, digital literacy and resilience we need so we don’t get tricked online.
So come along, to learn more!·
Workshop 2 (5.30pm-6.45pm) is for adults (parents/carers/professionals) who must complete this registration form.
https://forms.gle/UH5y87o187okfmv47This workshop will be facilitated by Dr Sangeet Bhullar from WISE KIDS and will also feature guest panellist Dr Huw Davies (Lecturer in Digital Education at Edinburgh university), Mrs Josephine Farag from Cardiff High School, Mrs Julia Willis and Miss Ceri John from Cross Ash Primary, Mrs Becki Bawler from Risca Comprehensive School, Ms Sian Northey from the Parent Network, Mr Dayle Luce from Cardiff Youth Service and Ms Parven Kaur from Kids n Clicks.