Celebrating Difference

The class have worked brilliantly within this Jigsaw unit of Celebrating Difference. It started with ‘Am I normal?’…the whole class agreed, it is normal to be different. They could list all the ways in which we can be different, and recognised that these differences also create connections because some of these things we will have in common with others.
We have thought about the different types of bullying (direct and indirect) and what to do about it.


Today we worked with Tania to stretch and move our bodies. We learned some dances from Columbia whilst also learning where it is in the world, about its map and a little bit about their culture! We have some serious movers in our school!

Cerddoriaeth - Music

Today Mr Burrows from John Beddoes came to work with us for the first of our 6 sessions. We have learnt about programmatic music…music that makes us feel something! The lesson got very noisy and we worked with tea and coffee again!!!

How can we help? Sut ydyn ni’n gallu helpu?

The pupils agreed they would like to help refugees to feel welcome, loved and supported and that something as simple as a smile would help to do that.

’If I could do anything to help I would …’

Suggestions included: making donations of food, toys, money and shelter, offering a place to stay, providing support to locate missing friends and family, work to promote peace and end war.

Well-being day! Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl!

Years 5 and 6 took part in lots of different activities which promote a positive mental health, these included; Forest School, baking, team-building games, Lego, K’nex, art and more….! We think everyone had a great time, even if the biscuits didn’t taste quite as we had hoped!

Shwmae Su’mae!

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dawnsio gwerin, canu caneuon gwerin a ‘pop’, chwarae genau, gwrando ar gerddoriaeth a lliwio!

We have been doing some folk dancing, singing folk and pop songs, playing games, listening to music and colouring!

Who are they? Pwy ydyn nhw?

This week we have been thinking about who the refugees are…who are the individuals going through this experience?

The pupils ‘met’ a mother, with her child, who’d had to flee her home country and arrived in the UK. They ‘heard her thoughts’. From this the pupils thought about what would need to happen if they were in a job where they met refugees who had just arrived by whatever means possible. They decided they would need to collect data about them, to be able to know; who they are, what they need now and to be able to help them going forward.
Everyone had a go at creating a form to collect this data, then as a class we looked at the most efficient way to create one.

Pentabus part 3!

We listened to the story of a young boy who had to leave his home.
Ydych chi’n gallu dyfalu beth oedd y geiriau pwysig? Can you guess what the important words were in the story? We had to create an image for them.