
In Science, we have been learning about the life processes and habitats. We decided to create our own micro habitats in our school garden.

Joseph Coelho

On 12th September year 2 children were privileged to meet Poet Laureate Joseph Coelho. They listened carefully to his poetry, joined in with his performance poetry and created their own poetry.


We have enjoyed gardening with Tom from the Community Garden and we look forward to sampling some of the vegetables in the Autumn.

Dai Woolridge

Spoken Word poet and author Dai Woolridge visited us and shared his creation story with us. It inspired us to write our own poetry and share it with the rest of the school. We also enjoyed a special performance after school for parents and members of the community.


Year 2 and 3 Summer Production

We enjoyed returning back to the stage again for our Summer production of Pirates Versus Mermaids. Here are a few pictures of such a memorable show!

Maths Enrichment Day

Children enjoyed a variety of problem solving activities this afternoon where they were able to use and apply their mathematical knowledge.

Forest School

Children have enjoyed building and fire lighting.

Forest School

The children have been fantastic using tools to make wooden necklaces.