
Over the last 6 weeks children have been involved in the Powys County Council Kerbcraft scheme that teaches children road safety skills. Thank you to all of our volunteers that helped to support the scheme to help to keep our children safe.

Fix Up! Dress Up!

Captain Green had commissioned the children to organise a party on the last day of term to celebrate how hard they have worked on helping him to save the planet. They produced invitations, thought of party activities and created their own costumes using the principles of the three R’s.

Circus Skills

We loved welcoming Peter and Sharon back to our school to work with children on their physical literacy. The children improved their hand-eye co-ordination, concentration, throwing and catching skills and ambidexterity whilst developing their confidence, self-esteem and perseverance skills.

Literacy Enrichment Day

We have had loads of fun today participating in a variety of activities linked with our focus story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We created houses, identified the initial sound in some of the words from the story and played ‘Hot Seat’.