The children were keen to jot down their ideas about what they would like to learn next term, for our ‘Out of this world!’ topic. They worked in groups to discuss what they would like to explore further for each of the six areas of learning.

Growing our Forest School!

Mrs Fielding and Miss Jones are currently completing their level 3 Forest School Practitioners Course with the aim of setting up Forest School provision within our school setting. Our forest school will be located up on the field under the canopy of our beautiful hazel, beech and birch trees. The ethos of forest schools gives learners the opportunity to develop self-esteem, build confidence, resilience and take risks in a practical, physical, natural outdoor environment. We wish to create a community that will engage in lifelong learning and a passion for our local, natural environment.

Members of our school community have been extremely helpful in enabling us to develop the forest school site by offering resources and advice. If you have any forest schools experience or have any advice that you could offer us, we would love to hear from you.

Tara Jones – jonest499@hwbcymru.net

Jess Fielding – MorrisJ313@hwbcymru.net


This week we have finished our previous case studies to prove we are capable of the job. We have now moved on to planning our Wild Save Centre; there has been lots to think about.

In Maths we have been working with decimal numbers and in Iaith handwriting has been a big focus!

Internet Safety Day

We enjoyed our visit from PC Ainsworth, she helped us to think about being respectful online. We made some snap dragons to take home, to facilitate conversations between pupils and parents about what children use and access online.

Let there be light!

In Victorian times, electric lights started to replace candles, gas lamps and oil lamps. Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison each developed successful electric light bulbs. As a mantle of the expert task we were commissioned to build our own circuits to light a bulb!

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Rainforests - Fforest llaw

We have been busy researching rainforests; each group chose a continent to learn about. We then used this to create information texts, and to make a salt-dough map of Earth.

In Maths we have been learning to use column division!