Panel meeting

Today our panel received a letter of application from the Refugee Support Group requesting accommodation in our centre for Dinah and her son, Eshan. The decision panel met in the board room to consider various points, and emails were composed to deliver the decision.
Beth oedd y penderfyniad? What was the decision?

Carolau’r Nadolig

Today our friends Judith and Gilles returned to practise Christmas Carols with us, in English, Welsh and French. The children focussed, showing so much respect and enthusiasm… their voices were beautiful too! Diolch, Judith and Gilles.

Celebrating Difference

The class have worked brilliantly within this Jigsaw unit of Celebrating Difference. It started with ‘Am I normal?’…the whole class agreed, it is normal to be different. They could list all the ways in which we can be different, and recognised that these differences also create connections because some of these things we will have in common with others.
We have thought about the different types of bullying (direct and indirect) and what to do about it.