Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
We recently applied for and received 2 apple trees and 2 pear trees, from The Conservation Volunteers. We planted them on Friday!
It was interesting digging the hole; there were so many discussions about how to hold the spade, what to do with your feet, is the hole big enough? Hopefully we’ve done the job correctly!
Whilst we were on the field some children collected litter from hedgerows and gather broken equipment. We also measured the fence lines that hadn’t got hedgerows…that might be our next project!!
Today Year 3 & 4 were visited by Elin from The Size of Wales to deliver a workshop about rainforests and climate change. We have been working on rainforests within our mantle so a lot of the information felt familiar to us. We learnt more about the issues with the ingredient ‘palm oil’ and how our day-to-day lives can impact of the tropical rainforests.
Did you know that tropical rainforests that equal 9 times the size of Wales are cut down every year? We can make small changes to help with this, such as buying a Fairtrade product once a week, baking at home (who knew baking could save lives?) using sustainable ingredients etc. And if you see this symbol on the products, even better! Let us know if you find one, it is apparently quite elusive!
We worked in Mantle groups to come up with ideas for selling items on a stall at a Victorian Fayre, with a focus on eco-friendly products and an awareness of carbon footprints! We tried to make sure that our products were locally sourced and that we used recycled materials where possible. We had to try and make a profit! We calculated the cost of rent, wages, materials and advertising amongst other things and then took these costs away from our total of items that would need to be sold to see whether we had made a profit or loss!