Human Rights Day - Article 2

Article 2 – All children have these rights, no matter who they are or what they look like.

We listened to the story ‘It’s ok to be different’, and discussed why it is ok to be different. Here are some of the children’s contributions;

“We have different colour skin and that is ok.”

“You might want to speak in a different language.”

“It doesn’t matter where you live. You can live in different places and still be friends.”

“My mummy has curly hair and I don’t, and that is ok.”

“Teasing is not kind, because children will feel sad if you tease them.”

“My mummy is different to me because she has dark hair and I have light hair.”

After our discussion, we played a game of ‘switch places if you ……’ where the children swapped places with another child if they answered yes to the question/statement.

Christmas Fayre

We’ve had a fantastic time creating and selling some Christmas products at the Christmas Fayre, raising a total amount of £110.50!!

Christmas Fayre Preparation

We have all been working extremely hard with our Christmas Fayre preparation. We can’t wait to show you all of the amazing items we have been making. He is a sneak peek.

Our Hand Puppets/Ein Pypedau Llaw

We are SO proud of our hand puppets. The pupils have loved designing and making their hand puppets for Geppetto. We have used so many skills including cutting, sticking, drawing and listening. Arbennig pawb!

Ffair yr Nadolig ac arian!

Our Christmas products are coming along nicely but how much should we sell them for…?

Excel was the chosen software to help us decide. The formulas are often difficult to remember, even for adults, but some remembered the work they completed with Miss Jeakings earlier in the term.

Pyjama Drama

Thank you to Louise from Pyjama Drama. We had a fantastic time using our drama skills to pretend Pinocchio went on a plane to Spain where he had a fantastic camping holiday, swam in the sea, went to a park and had a train ride. We role-played that we were Pinocchio in the ending of our story.


Reception have been learning to recognise and name 2D shapes. Here, they used the shapes to create a picture. The pupils talked about their shapes and named the ones they had used.

Music with Mr Burrows

On Thursday Aderyn Du had Mr Burrows from John Beddoes Campus come into class to teach them about some music relating to China. They had a go at creating their own music using the glockenspiels.