We measured Brynny in November to to see if the space would be suitable for us to build our rollercoaster on. We used trundle wheels to measure the area and perimeter.
Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
Article 2 – All children have these rights, no matter who they are or what they look like.
We listened to the story ‘It’s ok to be different’, and discussed why it is ok to be different. Here are some of the children’s contributions;
“We have different colour skin and that is ok.”
“You might want to speak in a different language.”
“It doesn’t matter where you live. You can live in different places and still be friends.”
“My mummy has curly hair and I don’t, and that is ok.”
“Teasing is not kind, because children will feel sad if you tease them.”
“My mummy is different to me because she has dark hair and I have light hair.”
After our discussion, we played a game of ‘switch places if you ……’ where the children swapped places with another child if they answered yes to the question/statement.
We’re almost ready to design our skyscrapers but first we need to know what types of structures there are. They’re all quite wordy and full of technical descriptions so we’ve had a go at building little models that represent the different types of structures, for example; braced frame, rigid frame, wall-frame, shear wall, core and outrigger, infilled frame, flat plate & flat slab, tube and coupled.