George’s Marvellous Medicine

For the last 2 weeks we have been reading George’s Marvellous Medicine; we have studied the language used and the ideas within it. The pupils are now writing the story in their own words….they could take a while to mark…!

Fire Safety - Diogelwch Tân

Today we were visited by our Fire Education Officer. She explained the importance of smoke detectors in the home, which should be tested weekly. She explained what not to do in our home with the aim of preventing fires from starting. She also explained what to do if there is a fire: Get out, Stay out, Ring 999.

Visit this site for more information: or call 08001691234 for a safety advice call, from which you could have smoke detectors provided and fitted for free.

Cinio Nadolig!

Roedd e’n blasus ac roedd pawb yn hapus! It was delicious and everyone was happy! Diolch i’r cogyddesau, thank you to Jane, Emma and Claire!

The Knighton and District Refugee Support Group

This afternoon Larry, Nicola and Rev Ken (who are members of this group) visited us to talk to us about what they do. They explained that there are about 40 members who support refugees, possibly host refugees, support hosts and fundraise to facilitate this; they raise about £5000 a year.
Our pupils asked some really insightful questions and were really intrigued by what our visitors had to say. They were particularly taken by the flashbacks that refugees experience when completing very simple activities (such as going swimming) and the idea that refugees think it’s unsafe to drink water from a tap without treating or boiling it first.

The Animal Man!

Being with and touching animals reconnects us with nature!
The pupils weren’t so keen on the insects, but we need them! ‘Nature is Jenga…nature is balance!’ After a couple of minutes lots of us changed our opinion of cockroaches. We are not born afraid of spiders, we learn it.

Nadolig Llawen i chi!

Everyone has enjoyed our free Christmas breakfast…we’re feeling full ready to see The Animal Man and to get Christmas-crafting ready for the fayre on Friday!