Pentabus part 3!

We listened to the story of a young boy who had to leave his home.
Ydych chi’n gallu dyfalu beth oedd y geiriau pwysig? Can you guess what the important words were in the story? We had to create an image for them.

Bishop's Wood

Year 2 and 3 had a fantastic time at Bishop’s Wood on 13th September. We learnt Latin, marched like Roman soldiers, built a Roman fort, used gromas to build Roman Roads, listened to and created our own Roman myths and we investigated item that the Romans brought into Britain from the empire.


In Science, we have been learning about the life processes and habitats. We decided to create our own micro habitats in our school garden.

Life as a Roman!

We travelled to Stourport on Seven to explore a day in the life as a roman! We performed in the amphitheatre, we made roman roads, built our own shelters and found out lots more! We all enjoyed ourselves very much and can’t wait to continue our Mantle topic work on Romans.

Joseph Coelho

On 12th September year 2 children were privileged to meet Poet Laureate Joseph Coelho. They listened carefully to his poetry, joined in with his performance poetry and created their own poetry.

Our Meadow/Ein Gweirglodd

We have created a meadow as a class. We drew minibeasts that would live in the meadow and thought about the different habitats within the meadow. We are a team of conservationists, that have been asked to find out about and take care of the minibeasts in the meadow.

Visit from PC Viv

Pc Viv came in to talk to us about keeping safe and good friendships. This was very interesting and we learnt a lot.

Pentabus; part 2!

This week we thought about home; what is it? We had to consider the 5 senses when thinking about home. We then gave a word to describe home….calm, happy, relaxed, like I can do whatever I want, entertained, sleepy…!

Pentabus project

We are working with Andrew, from Pentabus, on a project which has been part-funded by the Knighton and District Refugee Support Group.

We started by considering how all of our experiences are different.