Safer Internet Day 2023!

Year 2 / Dosbarth Gwennol

We celebrated Safer Internet Day by all attending a special assembly led by Mrs Blower. She explained to us the importance of talking about what we do online in order to stay safe.


We identified and gave examples of personal details.  We discussed and sorted details that should be kept private and offline and details that are safe to share online. 


We discussed who we could trust if something happened that made us feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened online. We drew pictures of our trusted adults.

We described how we should behave online and in pairs we wrote recipes to help create a kinder internet


A Step back in time!

Children were visited by Julie and Laura from Knighton Museum. They bought a variety of artefacts from the 1940’s for the children to look at and handle.

Writing our book!

We worked with Peter to complete our story. We talked about Les Nabb’s identity card from last week and that it was his birthday today. We created a book to help him and the other evacuees from Liverpool. The book included a map of Knighton, pictures of the town and rules of the countryside. We also made him a birthday card. We travelled back in time to 1939 to deliver his card. When we arrived we were at Les Nabb’s 9th birthday party. We gave Les his book and birthday cards and we played ‘Stations’, a game from the 1930’s.

Then the sheep escaped from the field and we had to help the evacuees and the local children find them. Then it was time to return to 2023 just in time for home time.

Sports Council Club!

Children in Year 2 and 3 were really excited to be chosen by our Sports Council Ambassadors to be involved in their lunchtime sports club. They enjoyed a range of games aimed at improving their balance and co-ordination.


This Week Year One have been working in maths on their coin recognition and using this learning to pay for items.

Hula hoop story telling with Peter

We have had a fantastic afternoon with Peter story telling. We pretended that we went to Alaska, the North Pole, a desert, a volcano and space and thought about what we might pack in our bag. We thought about how we could use a prop such as rope, boots, a hat, tape, binoculars etc. to solve a problem that we might face on the way.

Jiving with Emily George!

We have been Learning to Jive with Emily George.ย  We listened carefully to Glen Millerโ€™s โ€˜In the Moodโ€™ and we created our own โ€˜Jiveโ€™ moves to accompany it.

Evacuation Rap

In groups, we have been learning the โ€˜Evacuation Rapโ€™.

I wanna tell you a story about evacuation

I found myself at Knighton station.

Dressed in my best with my coat and tag

And a few little essentials in my bag.

We arrived at the station hungry and tired

My head was buzzing I felt I was wired

We all lined up and went down the lane

And thatโ€™s when my heart began to cry in pain,

I didnโ€™t want to go and leave my mum,

I wish that this war could soon be won

A new home and family lay ahead

And here is the day that I now dread.

Would they treat me nice

Would they be so kind

Will it be tidy

Guess I really donโ€™t mind

Story telling with Peter

We had a great time with Peter on Thursday learning all about story telling! We created our own stories based off ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘Loopy Luna and the Hula Hoop’.