World Religion Day

Following our whole school assembly celebration of World Religion Day, Year 2 children enjoyed focusing on the Hindu Creation story. They discussed the story, the characters and the similarities and differences between the Hindu creation story and the Christian creation story. Some of the children created dances to depict the story, some composed music o accompany the story and others created a collage of Vishnu and Brahma.


Planning for Spring 2023-Journey

We discussed the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. Following this we created our own magical world using resources from the classroom on the carpet. Then we talked about different journeys we could take using different transports. We worked in groups to create freeze frames of these journeys.


Cnoc-y-coed discovered a sword on the school field today. They have thought about lots of questions and research points about the sword. It’s time to become archaeologists!

Evacuees arrive in Knighton!

Children in Jac-Y-Do and Gwennol met Daisy at the train station in Knighton.  Daisy was an evacuee and she had just arrived in Knighton from Liverpool.  She had been sent to Knighton during World War 2 to keep her safe from the German bombing in Liverpool.

The children will be studying the theme of the journeys made by evacuees to Knighton during World War 2 through the Mantle of the Expert approach to the new curriculum.

Miss Rees and Mrs Fielding would be very interested in hearing from you if you have any information regarding evacuees during World War 2. Their email addresses are:

Mrs Fielding –

Miss Rees –


Tree planting

Cnoc-y-coed planted trees on the school ground showing a commitment to the sustainability of the planet.

Christmas Cards

We have been creative this week, designing and making our Christmas cards then writing a poem to go inside.