Literacy week 2

Literacy across the curriculum Week 2

I hope everyone is OK and staying safe.

Hope you enjoy this week’s literacy and I can’t wait to see the outcome of your work. Thank you to everyone who has sent work for us to see. If we haven’t yet seen any of your work, remember you can either email this to us or send it through the Teams conversation. Keep in touch and have a great week!

Maths Planning and resources for w/b 27th April 2020

Good morning everyone!  You have been doing an amazing job of completing your work this week, thank you!  If you haven’t yet sent us evidence of the work you’ve been doing then please either send it to us via email or via the Y5/Y6 Teams chat.  Any problems then just let us know, we’re here to help!  Have a fabulous weekend and keep smiling!

Maths Y5Y6 27042020







Keeping fit!

Hi everyone!  I hope that you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather that we’ve been having.  It’s been fantastic to see all the work that you’ve completed but if you have some photos of you out for a run with family members, playing football in the garden, dancing, cycling, making up gymnastics routines, trying yoga or simply going for a stroll then please can you share those too!  You can email them to me and I will put them on the website!

I have managed to keep up with my running but I really have missed running club with all of you and of course our daily mile!

Stay safe, stay home but stay healthy!

A bit of a rest after a lovely stroll in the woods- diolch Tegan!

HP camping  

Working for a badge in Cubs Haydn- da iawn!

CR 5K run

My Run 5. Donate 5. Nominate 5. for the NHS.  Mrs Shaw will upload her photo shortly!

Wow- you really have been busy Alice!

Mrs Shaw after her 5K run for the NHS and Dylan out on a bike ride!

Doc2 AE

Ballet class via Zoom for Ava!

Maths planning for w/b 20/04/2020

Here is the Y5/Y6 Maths planning for the week beginning 20th April.  There are resource sheets that have been uploaded below that you will need to access, depending on which group you are in (G, LB, DB, R).  If you have any problems don’t hesitate to contact us.

Maths Y5Y6 20052020










Weekly update!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all okay and staying safe.  Thank you to all of you that have been in touch via direct email or on our Microsoft Teams group email.  Some of you have sent me pictures of the work you’ve been completing which is fab!  Please make sure that you keep in touch with each other and me during this difficult time.  As well as sharing/discussing work that you’ve completed you can also send jokes or share ideas for things that you can do at home/in the garden to stop people from getting a bit fed up during lockdown.

Take care and keep smiling!

Mrs Rimmer

Literacy Tasks - sentence work

Completing Sentences by Writing Subordinate Clauses

Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets

Extending Sentences by Adding Subordinate Clause Activity


Main Clause Followed by a Subordinate Clause Rule Activity


Subordinate Clauses Differentiated Activity Sheets

Subordinating Conjunctions Foldable Book Activity

Titanic Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets

Under the Sea Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheet



Vikings Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheet

What is a Complex Sentence Dice Activity

Writing Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheet