Maths Enrichment Day

The children have enjoyed working outside this morning completing a variety of Maths activities as part of of Maths Enrichment Day.

We measured sticks in centimetres using a ruler.
We ordered the length of the sticks.
We grouped sticks in 2’s 5’s and 10s to county them.
We counted 5 items and used them to practise our number bonds to 5.

Eryr and Gwennol Maths Homework

Task for children in groups Triongl/Sgwar 

Use natural objects to make the following shapes….triangles, circles, squares and rectangles.

Here is an example:

Task for children in groups Pentagon/CylchUse natural objects to make the following shapes….pentagons, hexagons and octagons.  They can be regular or irregular.

Here is an example:

Once you have taken your photographs, please either email them as an attachment to your class teacher or upload them into your HWB file on J2E.

Many thanks


The children have been finding out about the Hindu festival of Diwali.  Diwali is the Hindu festival of light.  The children used their reading skills to read and follow instructions to make diva lamps, lanterns, elephant decorations and Rangoli decorations.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Healthy Eating

The children have been busy looking at what foods make a ‘balanced diet’.  They worked in groups to create a healthy lunchbox.


Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

We Will Remember!

With Remembrance Day approaching, the children have enjoyed looking at the artwork ‘Field of Poppies’ by Vincent Van Gogh and creating their own artwork.  The children have used a variety of materials to create their own poppy field artwork.

The children are looking forward to taking their artwork home to display as way of commemorating Remembrance Day.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Technology Day

Year 1 and Year 2 pupils have enjoyed designing and making their own pop-up moving story books in groups.

Digital Camera

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


STEM Science

Children worked in groups to complete a STEM Challenge.  Each group was given 20 cups and they had to work together to construct the tallest tower.  They thought carefully about the positioning of their cups and they worked hard to make a strong base for their tower.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Science STEM

The children have really enjoyed working in groups to collect natural materials to make a birds nest for the birds in our woodland area.  They thought carefully about the materials they chose and how they would construct the nest to ensure that it was strong and warm.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Features of Knighton

The skeletons wanted to know more about Knighton.  They asked us if we could make models of human and physical features in Knighton.  We used 2d and 3d shapes to make our models.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera