
We marked the start of Ramadan on Wednesday 22nd March by making a range of decorations.

Knighton & District Refugee Support Group

Larry Wright visited our school on 20th March 2023 to lead a collective worship session explaining his role within the Knighton & District Refugee Support Group. We discussed what a ‘refugee’ is and what we can do to help. We found out that Knighton & District Refugee Support Group welcomes and supports people seeking refuge in the UK. Larry continues to lead fortnightly assemblies with a values based focus focusing on offering sanctuary to people facing forced migration.


As part of their homework Year five and six have created castles out of recycled materials.
Da iawn.

The River Project.

Year six pupils had the opportunity to take part in a new project by the river. They carried out various activities and built a beaver den.

Our Maths and Scientific Quest

In maths we made shields using our knowledge of symmetry.

We learnt how to sort different materials out which included: glitter, rice, pasta, gems, buttons, hundreds and thousands, marbles, paperclips and bells. We used sieving, magnets, and scoops.

We investigated invisible ink and then used the best to make maps.

We investigated how absorbent different materials were to soak up water from an oasis.

We learnt how to melt ice the quickest without force to retrieve our gems.

Everyone really enjoyed this quest!

Visit from the Animal Man

We had a fantastic time this morning looking at all of the different animals that the Animal Man brought in. He showed us a chinchilla, cockroaches, spiders, snakes, a scorpion, a bearded dragon and a chameleon.