Literacy Challenge: What could the work possibly be?

Morning all!

Hope you are all well.  I’ve just a little literacy challenge for you….

The first few letters of each word are listed below.  List at least five possible words for each one.

  1. blblack, blink, bl……..
  2. co
  3. tel
  4. sw
  5. pan
  6. dr
  • Choose your own starting letters.

Home Learning

Hwb is a great resource that you can use with you child at home. Please see you child’s home reader for their Hwb Login details. To access these suggested Hwb activities log into Hwb, select Just2easy and then jit.


  • Select a template and write a story in that setting
  • Select a template and write about a time when you visited that setting
  • Select a template and write a list of adjectives (describing words) to describe that place
  • Select Sea, iceberg, space, jungle or wood and write facts about that place.


  • Use the menu on the left to paste animals/objects into the setting
  • Use the brush to paint own images onto chosen background
  • Paint a self-portrait/family member/pet onto a blank background


  • Select a template and direct the object around the screen
  • Try simple and when confident have a go at advanced


Create a block/bar graph/pictogram to show your family’s:

  • favourite colours
  • favourite foods
  • favourite animals
  • shoe sizes


  • Select a template and use the menu on the left to select an object. Create an animation by clicking on the boxes across the bottom of the screen.


  • Select a template. Use the menu on the left and follow the instructions to sort the objects by typing in questions about them.


  • Select a page layout. Choose a topic to write about. Use the menu on the left to drag in images or draw you own. Write about the image you have chosen or drawn.


World Book Day!

We began our day reading this lovely story by Francesca Sanna. Then we played a variety of games that developed our understanding of the vocabulary in the text. We especially enjoyed playing bingo!

Pancake Day

A massive thank you to Mrs Wood and Miss Evans for making pancakes (gluten and diary free) with the children today. They were delicious!

Before we ate them we applied our learning about fractions and cut them into halves and quarters.


This week we have been learning about instructions. We used our reading skills and knowledge of instructions to create various Valentine crafts.  Here, one group of pupils have created 3D hearts.

Museum Visit

Today we visited Knighton museum. We loved looking at the artefacts and finding out what Knighton used to be like in the past.