Urdd competitors

A massive Da Iawn to the Urdd members that represented the school in the Urdd County Cross-Country and in the regional round of the Cogurdd and Popurdd. Arbennig!

Music with Mr Burrows

On Thursday Aderyn Du had Mr Burrows from John Beddoes Campus come into class to teach them about some music relating to China. They had a go at creating their own music using the glockenspiels.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Structure building using Spaghetti and Marshmallows

As part of our Mantle Topic ‘Skyscrapers,’ Aderyn Du have been planning a skyscraper to Build in Cardiff. We have been looking at different designs and structures and different ways they could be built. We explored a variety of structures by using spaghetti and marshmallows. As you can see from the pictures, some of our structures were unsuccessful, so we evaluated our designs and tried again. We discussed how we could improve our structures and how we could make them stronger and taller.

Measuring the Perimeter and Area of our Skyscrapers

As part of our Mantle this term, Aderyn Du are designing new skyscrapers to be built in Cardiff. We went onto the field to measure the perimeter of our buildings and decided if we thought it was a suitable size. We then calculated the total area and perimeter of our skyscrapers.

Shwmae Day

As part of Shwmae day, Aderyn du took part in a live Teams Giglets story telling session. They were read the story ‘Gelerts Grave’ and learnt new Welsh words related to the story such as ‘blaidd’ which means wolf, ‘dewr’ brave and ‘awrw’ which means hero. We enjoyed the session and enjoyed listening to the story with other schools all over Wales!

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Fire Safety

Dosbarth Aderyn Du had a visit from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service. They learnt about the safety of having working fire alarms, how to prevent fires and what to do if we discover a fire. They were shown the number to ring for free fire alarms and a website which has lots of activities relating to the emergency services.

Creating Databases on J2Data

Our Mantle this term is all about skyscrapers. We have done lots of research about skyscrapers and different skylines around the world. In our DCF lessons we have been looking at creating databases on J2Data. We used the information that we have researched about the tallest buildings in the world, to create different records.