Ffair Nadolig

Well done for all of the children for working so hard on their table centrepieces and their Christmas Eve plates. Thank you to the following members of staff/volunteers that made these production lines possible…. Sally Humphries, Kath George, Sarah Lloyd, Jade Durban, Carole Stokes, Nick Tranter, Helen Lloyd, Sue Hayward and Simon License. Finally, thank you to our fantastic parents and members of community that have purchased our goods and supported us.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Well-being Day!

Year 2,3 and 4 enjoyed some outdoor learning as part of our well-being day. They created a ‘crazy golf’ course out of natural resources and had lots of fun playing together! Da iawn pawb!

Well-being day!!

Years 2, 3 and 4 enjoyed a variety of activities to celebrate a well deserved well-being day! This included having a go at some blind football and blind obstacle course, and learning how to play some new games using unfamiliar technology.

Measuring Brynny!!

As part of our Mantle, we went over to Brynny to measure the area and perimeter of the field. We used trundle wheels!

Ces i amser da!! = We had a great time!