
Last week we welcomed Education Practitioners from Pennsylvania, USA who visited our school to find out about our Education system in Wales. They enjoyed observing some Outdoor Learning in our recently developed areas and some Forest School activities. They really enjoyed their time at our school and the children made them feel very welcome.

Mabolgampau 2024!

We had a lovely sports day this year, where the Year 5 and 6 children planned a variety of events based on their work on the Olympics. Congratulations to the Purple Team ‘2024 Cup Winners’.

Refugee Week

We marked Refugee Week by teaming up with volunteers from the local Refugee Support Group and Clayton Engineering to run an activity day on the theme of โ€œHome.โ€

Children from across the whole school simulated the experience of some refugees.  Using donated and borrowed tents, poles, tarpaulins and groundsheets and lots of cardboard, the children separated into four nations and each made their home, as best they could.

Then two of the groups went in search of a better home and they began to travel the world. They helped each other through an obstacle course, before encountering the sea, a huge blue tarpaulin that they had to find a way to get their cuddly toy mascots across without falling in.  And would they be welcome?

Nick and Dave from Clayton Engineering joined us with two lifeboat launching tractors.  Clayton Engineering builds the machinery that launches all the RLNI Lifeboats all around the British coastline. RLNI volunteers rescue anyone in trouble at sea, including asylum seekers in the English Channel. Their cause is to save lives.

During the afternoon, children returned to their classes. 

Children in Reception and Year 1 looked at the story of Paddington and they thought carefully about the things that they would take with them if they had to leave their home.

Year 2 and 3 pupils were inspired by the work of Kate Daudy and they used a tent as their canvas for their โ€˜homeโ€™ inspired creations.

Pupils in Year 4  created artwork based on the work of artist Romero Britto on the theme of โ€˜hopeโ€™.

Pupils in Years 5 and 6 learnt more about the RLNI and created ideas for how they might raise funds for the RLNI.

Small Breeds Farm Trip

We have all had an amazing time at The Small Breeds Farm! The children were excellent and thoroughly enjoyed petting, feeding and learning about the animals. What a brilliant day had by all.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!


Dai Davies the astronaut wants to plan a space leaving party before he leaves for outer space. He wants our help to create a digital invitation using JIT Write to send out to his friends.

Here are some of our amazing invitations we have completed;


We have been using the Bluebots to direct around the maps and along the story of Whatever Next. We discussed the steps needed to get to the next picture of the story and programmed the Bluebot to do this. Great team work by all children.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Science - Rocket Mice / Llygod Rocket Gwyddoniaeth

We have been using our knowledge learned so far about Space to make Rocket Mice. We found out that if we ‘hit, squeeze, push’ the carton harder, then the mice will travel further because of the air from the carton. The mice fly up and then gravity brought them back down. We measured the distance using metre rulers and lego blocks. We discussed the distance travelled and compared whose mice travelled the furthest.

Fy Nheulu / My Family

Children in Year One have been creating sentences about their families. They used their knowledge of Welsh phonics (Tric a Chlic) to read the captions to place in the correct order to ensure the sentence made sense.

Reception children have been practising their oracy and painting skills to paint their families. They all confidently named the people in their families; mam – mum, tad/dad – dad, chwaer – sister, brawd – brother.