Jigsaw- The Year Ahead

Today Year 6 completed the final unit of ‘Changing Me’. All topics taught have been dealt with in a really mature manner by all pupils, with open and honest conversations, despite many feeling embarrassed by the nature of the unit. The last lesson was to think about the year ahead and moving on to high school…thinking about any worries (making new friends, losing old friends, getting lost, detentions, missing the bus) they might have and what could help.

Gemau Olympiadd BSL

Kate visited again today to teach us some BSL about sports and the Olympic Games. Did you know there Deaflympics? And that Wales have the world champions for the deaf male and female rugby teams?

Can you guess what some of these signs mean? Ydych chi’n gallu dyfalu?

Small Breeds Farm Trip

We have all had an amazing time at The Small Breeds Farm! The children were excellent and thoroughly enjoyed petting, feeding and learning about the animals. What a brilliant day had by all.

The Small Breeds Farm Visit

Today we had a wonderful time on our trip to the Small Breeds Farm. We stroked an owl, fed the sheep and goats and met animals that some of us hadn’t seen before. A great day had by all!

Forest School

This morning Aderyn du took part in a session. Great team-work and perseverance was shown. Roedd gwaith tîm da!

Drugs - Cyffuriau

PC Ainsworth visited us today to talk about drugs; legal and illegal. She highlighted the importance of the age restrictions of things like alcohol, tobacco and vapes; they are poisonous to the growing bodies of children. Lots of pupils share their ideas and knowledge in a respectful way.

Marvin Mouse Flies to the Moon

Today we each made a Marvin Mouse and flew him as far as we could using our milk bottle rocket. Here we are with the mice that we made. We launched the mice, measured how far they travelled and recorded our results.