The Small Breeds Farm Visit

Today we had a wonderful time on our trip to the Small Breeds Farm. We stroked an owl, fed the sheep and goats and met animals that some of us hadn’t seen before. A great day had by all!


We have been investigating direction. We programmed the Beebots to travel around the routes. Wonderful perseverance.


Dai Davies the astronaut wants to plan a space leaving party before he leaves for outer space. He wants our help to create a digital invitation using JIT Write to send out to his friends.

Here are some of our amazing invitations we have completed;


We have been using the Bluebots to direct around the maps and along the story of Whatever Next. We discussed the steps needed to get to the next picture of the story and programmed the Bluebot to do this. Great team work by all children.

Marvin Mouse Flies to the Moon

Today we each made a Marvin Mouse and flew him as far as we could using our milk bottle rocket. Here we are with the mice that we made. We launched the mice, measured how far they travelled and recorded our results.

Science - Rocket Mice / Llygod Rocket Gwyddoniaeth

We have been using our knowledge learned so far about Space to make Rocket Mice. We found out that if we ‘hit, squeeze, push’ the carton harder, then the mice will travel further because of the air from the carton. The mice fly up and then gravity brought them back down. We measured the distance using metre rulers and lego blocks. We discussed the distance travelled and compared whose mice travelled the furthest.

Problem Solving\ Datrys Problemau

We used our mathematical problem solving skills to solve a problem where we used our building skills to build houses in different ways. There always had to be two bricks (rooms) on the bottom and the same number of bricks each time.

Our finished Sola System

Look at our AMAZING Solar System!! We have all worked extremely hard to make this fantastic Solar System. Great team work by all of the children!