Forest School

Children have enjoyed building and fire lighting.

Forest School

The children have been fantastic using tools to make wooden necklaces.

Home-made charcoal!

We couldnโ€™t believe how easy it was to make charcoal! We were keen to get drawing with it the next day!

Forest School - fires!

Toni and Hels from Branching Out visited us again, this time we were lighting fires. All children showed great perseverance in trying to get the fires started. Despite it being June we all appreciated the warmth from the fires and even more than that, we loved the toasted marshmallows! We also made our own charcoal which we are excited to create some art work with!

Forest School with Branching Out

Today our class has been lucky enough to work with Toni and Hels in a Forest School session.

We used a pruning saw a to cut a branch of a hazel tree to create a rope ladder. Others created dens whilst waiting. Lots of skills were developed, including resilience, team-work, communication and empathy.

Gwennol Forest School Session 6

During our final session the children enjoyed ligthing a camfire. After a safety discussion children were asked to collect a variety of tinder and kindling for their fire.

We then began to prepare our fire.

Once our fire was lit we started to prepare our marshmallows ready to toast whilst also fuelling our fire to keep it lit!

Gwennol Forest School Session 5

Nature Friends were invited to create a habitat for the fauna that call our forest school ‘home’. They thought carefully about all of the things that the insects would need and set about creating their habitats.

The Howlers were also thinking about our natural environment in our forest school area and they were invited to follow their interests and identify some of the flora in our area.

Forest School fun in Year 4!

Dosbarth Gwennol Session 4

Children in both groups were invited to create their own forest school artwork and frame it using natural materials.

Nature Friends session 3

Nature friends had a super forest school session. They were invited to imagine that the forest school area was their campsite and they had to work together to create their community.