The Nativity

We have been learning about The Nativity Story and how Jesus, the Son of God, was born.  We had lots of fun using our very own Nativity to retell the story.


We have also been learning some Makaton for some of the characters from the Nativity story;


Three Kings


The Pori Drwy Stori Rhyme Challenge

Over the last 5 weeks, we have been learning a rhyme a week. This has been so much fun and we have had lots of giggles with the tongue twister rhymes. You can help to continue learning these rhymes at home with your child with their rhyme book they have.

Pupil Voice - Spring Term 2020

Our topic for Spring Term 2020 is, ‘Our Wonderful World’. We read the story and stopped at the part where the aeroplane landed into the sea. The children worked together to problem solve and freeze-frame different situations of how Emma Jane and the animals could get back to dry land.


Christmas Fair

We thoroughly enjoyed visiting the KS2 Christmas Fair last week. We had lots of fun looking around the amazing products KS2 children and staff had been busy making over the week. We hope they made lots of profit.

Knighton Food bank!

We are very pleased to be supporting Knighton Food bank this year.  Helen Anderson has been to visit Foundation Phase to explain to us how the food bank supports local people.

If you would like to donate any non-perishable food items, please see Sarah by 2nd December.


Foundation Phase Disco!

Many thanks to the Friends of the School for organising a fabulous end of half term disco for us.  A lovely time was had by all!

Foundation Phase Party!

Children in the Foundation Phase all enjoyed a fabulous party which they had organised on Friday 25th October.  The children had been working very hard planning the party entertainment, fancy dress theme, and the advertising of the party.  I’m sure you’ll agree that they did a fantastic job and looked amazing in their costumes.  Well done!

Physical Literacy

Hwyaid Bach have been using their physical skills even more today.

We started by doing a few stretches to warm-up our bodies. Then we used coloured scarves and moved our bodies to music; ‘Busy Feet’.

We acted like a variety of animals.

Science STEM Morning

The children thoroughly enjoyed looking at ‘Seasonal Change’. We focused on rainfall and decided to make ‘Rain gauges’. we place two in the Quad area and two in the car park.

The children have had a fantastic time over the last three days monitoring the rainfall. With today’s rainfall, we had to measure the water using two measuring jugs as it was too much to fit into one.

Literacy Enrichment Day

We have had lots of fun ‘role playing’ and retelling the story of Handa’s Surprise.  We all acted as different characters from the story and got into ‘role’ with confidence.