Museum Visit

Today we visited Knighton museum. We loved looking at the artefacts and finding out what Knighton used to be like in the past.

Internet Safety Day

Today PC Ainsworth came into class to talk to us about keeping safe online. We discussed not sharing personal details and using apps and games that are age appropriate.

How Knighton has changed!

This week Mrs Davies, Mrs Blower’s mum, has been into class to talk to us about how Knighton has changed since she was a little girl.  She showed us some old photos, including the old primary school that used to be where the Offa’s Dyke Centre is now.

E-Safety Council Meeting

In our meeting today we started to organise our assembly for Safer Internet Day which will be on the 27th January 2020. It will begin at 9:10 and all are welcome! 

Christmas Party!

We had a wonderful Christmas party. We played lots of party games and danced to Christmas music. We also had a surprise visit from a man in red! 

Emma Jane's Aeroplane

We read this story which will be the basis of our work next term. The children went on to freeze-frame how Emma Jane and the animals escaped from the water.

The children have planned the activities and learning they want to carryout next term.

Library Visit

Today we visited the library.  Hannah, the librarian, told us a story about a French dinosaur called Pierre! It was a great story. We all chose a book to bring back to school.. 

Maths across the Curriculum!

We used 3D and 2D shapes to build models of natural and man-made features of Knighton. We thought about how we would put the shapes together and tried to make the 2D shapes tessellate.