Stem Kitchen in Y5 and Y6

On Wednesday 9th October we enjoyed our ‘Stem Science’ day as a school.  In Year 5 and Year 6 we carried out some investigations from ‘Stem Kitchen’- they were great fun!  Our focus was ‘Materials and their Properties’.


KS2 Choir

KS2 choir will resume rehearsals from 3.15pm until 4.15pm, on a Tuesday, after the half-term break.  New singers welcome!


Mrs Watts 🙂

Entrepreneur Info!

The children have voted to run a Christmas café again at the Christmas fete, on Friday 6th December, 2pm.  Any cake donations (home-made or otherwise) would be gratefully received.  Ho Ho Hope to see you there!

Playful Play!

Y5 children have had an amazing few sessions with Ben Webb, learning about ‘Playful Play’ and children’s rights.

They now have the skills to lead play within the playground as ‘Play Leaders’ 🙂

The Daily Mile

Last year we signed up to take part in the ‘Daily Mile’ and Sports Council continue to support and promote daily running this year!

It is really important for us to exercise as much as possible to keep our bodies and minds healthy!  Children can run, walk, skip or even hop their way around the playground each day to complete the ‘Daily Mile’ challenge!