Music workshop with Jim

We really enjoyed participating in another musical workshop with Jim today. We created and sang a lovely song which was based off our story ‘Who Swallowed Stanley’. We also enjoyed learning how to play ‘Wheels on the bus’ through boom whackers. We had lots of fun!

Music with Jim

We had more music fun with Jim this afternoon. We have written a song about recycling and enjoyed more time playing the boomwhackers!

Pyjama Drama

Hwyaid Bach had so much fun in Pyjama Drama. We focused on one part of our class story ‘Who Swallowed Stanley’ when the turtle got hurt by the plastic bag. We cleaned the seas to help the sea creatures stay safe.

Pyjama Drama with Louise

We used our imagination to rescue sea creatures from plastic, pretend we were sea creatures and make sounds of the sea. We had a wonderful time!

Musical instruments with Jim

We had a lovely time on Wednesday learning about all of the different musical instruments that Jim brought in to show us. We enjoyed listening to what the instruments sounded like and learning about high and low pitch. At the end of the session we learnt how to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ on the Boom Whackers.

Fix Up! Dress Up!

Captain Green had commissioned the children to organise a party on the last day of term to celebrate how hard they have worked on helping him to save the planet. They produced invitations, thought of party activities and created their own costumes using the principles of the three R’s.

Literacy Enrichment Day

We have had loads of fun today participating in a variety of activities linked with our focus story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We created houses, identified the initial sound in some of the words from the story and played ‘Hot Seat’.