Home Learning

Hwb is a great resource that you can use with you child at home. Please see you child’s home reader for their Hwb Login details. To access these suggested Hwb activities log into Hwb, select Just2easy and then jit.


  • Select a template and write about a time when you visited that setting
  • Select Sea, iceberg, space, jungle or wood and write facts about that place.
  • Write a dairy of the activities you have been doing


  • Select a template, use the menu on the left to paste different animals/objects into the setting
  • Use the brush to paint own images onto chosen background
  • Paint a self-portrait/family member/pet onto a blank background


  • Select a template and direct the object around the screen – make sure you tap the green pencil (pen down) to create a pathway of where you have been.
  • Try simple and when confident have a go at advanced


Create a block/bar graph/pictogram to show your family’s:

  • favourite colours
  • favourite foods
  • favourite animals
  • shoe sizes


  • Select a page layout. Choose a topic to write about. Use the menu on the left to drag in images or draw you own. Write about the image you have chosen or drawn.

Don’t forget to SAVE your work so Miss Davies and Mrs Wozencraft can see all of the exciting things you have been exploring. 

Meet our Fluffy Friends

Lily Bob-tail 




Mr Jones came to visit us with twin Lambs, one boy and one girl only 12 hours old.



Look at some of our Ducklings enjoying the water tray this morning

We are very proud parents..... to baby ducklings

Miss Sarah has very kindly been looking after our duck eggs in the incubator for the last 27 days and yesterday we had our very first baby duckling arrive.

He has already made himself at home in our classroom with 3 more of his brothers and sisters arriving today.

World Book Day

Look at our AMAZING costumes!

We have had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day! The following book has been our focus today and we have been carrying out lots of vocabulary activities around the story.


Eco Church Bug Hotel

We have had a very busy morning in the Churchyard building our Bug Hotel. Whilst making the Bug Hotel, we saw some interesting insects and bugs that were making their way to their new home.

On our way back to school, Mrs Branford from the Clock Tower Cafe, very kindly donated some hot chocolate for us to make when we got back to school. We warmed up our milk and added the hot chocolate.

It was very yummy.

PC Ainsworth

Today we had a visit from PC Ainsworth to discuss online safety.

We are celebrating Safer Internet Day today as a whole school and carried out a range of activities to promote this.

The E-Safety Council started our day off with an amazing Assembly.

Tanio'r Ddraig

On Thursday 23rd January 2020, Miss Davies and four very enthusiastic Criw Cymraeg members attended a very exciting day in Builth Wells.

The day gave us a range of ideas and activities to implement within our school to help us to fulfil the requirements for the language Charter. We carried out the following workshops; ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ a show to explain the Welsh Culture and Language, ‘Mr Phormula’ a Welsh Beatboxer, a Welsh Yoga session and a Welsh music session.

This is what the children thought about the day;

‘It was the best day ever!’

‘I can’t believe Mr Phormula makes all of that music by just using his voice.’

‘We had so much fun and used lots of Welsh.’

‘The activities were amazing, I loved the Yoga.’

Cute Visitor

We have been very lucky today to have a little visitor in class.

This is 14 week old Holly-Berry, who is a fox red Laborer and belongs to Scarlett.