Reindeer Run

We had so much fun doing the Reindeer Run today!!

Look at all of us ready to run fast!!

Welsh - Bluebots

In Welsh this week, we have been enjoying using the Bluebots. We programmed them to move around the classroom to land at a house. We then listened to the question Miss Davies and Mrs Woz asked; “Ble rwyt ti’n byw?” and answered correctly; “Dw i’n byw mewn …….”

Pupil Voice - Spring Term Planning 2021

We have had a virtual live lesson by two of the little pigs and the big bad wolf. The wolf had captured the third little pig and was trying his hardest to capture the other pigs too. The three little pigs needed our help and FAST!! We were challenged to design a good strong house for all three pigs to live in.

Here are some of our designs..

Click on the following link to see our ideas for our topic next term of Houses and Homes.

Pupil voice

Healthy Living

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about healthy living. We have been doing lots of research to send to the Skeletons to make sure they know how to keep fit and healthy.

We found out that we need to exercise and eat healthy foods to live a healthy lifestyle.

Here is our amazing display of some of the work we have produced.


This week in Maths we have been learning about Shapes.

We have found out about 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional shapes. We have been exploring their properties.

Maths Enrichment Afternoon

We recognised and named a number and placed it on our coats. We cycled round the playground and then parked at the correct/matching number in the car park.

Physical Literacy

We have enjoyed playing games with the parachute this week with Sally Urwin during our Physical Literacy sessions.



We have been celebrating the Hindu Festival of Diwali. Look at our fantastic Rangoli Patterns.


Children In Need

We all made an amazing effort for dress up day today!

Thanks to all of the parents and carers for your support and kind donations!