Roger, from Pupils2Parliament has given me the link for the next survey- could you please complete it by next Friday at the latest, diolch!

This is the message from Roger:-

As promised, here is the link and password for the next survey, on what lockdown has done to children’s rights.  Quite a ‘meaty’ one this, but I have tried to make most questions quick answer ones.

The link is

Password  772k

Maths Planning for W/B 18/05/2020

Good morning everyone!  We hope you’re having a great week.  Thank you for continuing to work so hard.  Please remember to send us examples of what you’ve been doing if you can, as we are now choosing work to go on our weekly ‘Celebration Assembly’  video that goes on our school website- check out the one from today if you can!  Take care and have a lovely weekend.



Please find the Welsh work we would like you to have a look at over the next couple of weeks.  The topic is hobbies and sports, which you have looked at before.  On the ‘Sports and Hobbies’ challenge mat there are different tasks for you to try- it is up to you how many you complete but try to challenge yourself!  The powerpoints (‘Playing a sport’ and ‘Hobbies and sports’) are there for you to read through and revise Welsh words and phrases that you may have forgotten.  Diolch!

Playing a sport WELSH Sports_HobbiesChallenges5_6


Hobbies and Sports WELSH



Please find the Maths planning for the w/b 11/05/2020 below!  We really appreciate the fact that so many of you are working so hard to complete the activities that we set- keep up the good work and don’t forget to send us examples of what you have been doing!  Any problems please just get in contact with one of us.  Thank you 🙂


Water Pressure

4-digit-1 Subtraction

5digit-1 add and subtract

Those Tea Cups Maths Investigation




If you haven’t yet completed the survey about lockdown for ‘Pupils2Parliament’ could you please do so as soon as possible, thank you.

If you scroll down through your class page you will find the link for it.  Your views really do count!


Hi everyone!  Here are the answers to the word problems that were set for you this week, as promised.  How did you get on?  Let us know!

Have a super bank holiday weekend and remember to stay safe please.


Maths Planning for 04/05/2020

Please find the Maths planning for next week attached (04/05/2020).  This week it will be a Mantle activity for Monday- Wednesday!  You have been invited on an expedition with Steve Backshall, to explore the Amazon!  We look forward to seeing what you come up with!  Remember you can send us work via direct email or through Teams.

As always, any problems please just let one of us know- we are here to help.

MATHS 04052020 Y5Y6

Maths Problems White Rose



Hi everyone!

As you know, from time to time Roger, from Pupils2Parliament, comes in to ask your opinion about topics that are being discussed by Welsh government, and your views are fed back anonymously.  Normally these sessions are only completed with Y6, but for this one we’ve also included Y5 children.  The topic this time is how ‘lockdown’ is affecting you- so very relevant!  It’s a chance for you to have a voice about what is going on at the moment in these very uncertain times.  As Roger can’t come into school, he’s set up a survey online instead and the secure link is below if you could please fill it in, with adult supervision.  Let us know if there are any problems accessing it please.

The password you will need is 192k

Maths Planning and resources for w/b 27th April 2020

Good morning everyone!  You have been doing an amazing job of completing your work this week, thank you!  If you haven’t yet sent us evidence of the work you’ve been doing then please either send it to us via email or via the Y5/Y6 Teams chat.  Any problems then just let us know, we’re here to help!  Have a fabulous weekend and keep smiling!

Maths Y5Y6 27042020







Keeping fit!

Hi everyone!  I hope that you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather that we’ve been having.  It’s been fantastic to see all the work that you’ve completed but if you have some photos of you out for a run with family members, playing football in the garden, dancing, cycling, making up gymnastics routines, trying yoga or simply going for a stroll then please can you share those too!  You can email them to me and I will put them on the website!

I have managed to keep up with my running but I really have missed running club with all of you and of course our daily mile!

Stay safe, stay home but stay healthy!

A bit of a rest after a lovely stroll in the woods- diolch Tegan!

HP camping  

Working for a badge in Cubs Haydn- da iawn!

CR 5K run

My Run 5. Donate 5. Nominate 5. for the NHS.  Mrs Shaw will upload her photo shortly!

Wow- you really have been busy Alice!

Mrs Shaw after her 5K run for the NHS and Dylan out on a bike ride!

Doc2 AE

Ballet class via Zoom for Ava!