PE for the w/b 22/02/21

This week we would like you to fit in the following for PE:-

A one mile walk/run  x2

A game in your garden or in an open outdoor space that you are able to access safely, which involves throwing, catching or kicking a ball (tennis ball/football/ping-pong ball!)  x1

A circuit which includes 10 different types of exercises, each to be carried out for 1 minute! (squats, sit ups, press ups, skipping, running on the spot, spotty dogs, box steps etc) x1

If you can send us photos of what you’ve come up with that would be great!

Welsh activity for w/b 22/02/21

Please go through the powerpoint posted on Teams, (Kim’s game, y corff), and revise the parts of the body in Welsh, then have a go at the game at the end of the powerpoint!

Diolch 🙂