Literacy Enrichment

For literacy enrichment day, we looked at ly and simile sentences then used these to write some poetry about autumn. In the afternoon, we then created artwork to accompany our poems. We really enjoyed our day.

Five Ways to Well-being

Gail from In Reach CAMHS came in to see us to talk about well-being. We learnt that the 5 ways to well-being are: Keep learning, connect, take notice, give and be active. We then created posters to share ideas of how we might do this.

How can we help? Sut ydyn ni’n gallu helpu?

The pupils agreed they would like to help refugees to feel welcome, loved and supported and that something as simple as a smile would help to do that.

’If I could do anything to help I would …’

Suggestions included: making donations of food, toys, money and shelter, offering a place to stay, providing support to locate missing friends and family, work to promote peace and end war.

Literacy Enrichment Day

We went on a nature walk looking at all of the signs of Autumn. We used this as inspiration to write poems based on Alan Peate ‘ly’ sentences.


We were so lucky to work with Tanya to develop our Zumba skills on Wednesday. Here are some of our pictures.

Well-being Day!

In the morning, we discussed what makes a good day and a bad day and how to change things when they are going wrong. We then had great fun in the sun playing with the circus skills equipment in the morning. After lunch, when we weren’t swimming, we played yard games, including ‘Mr. Martian’, Duck, Duck Goose and Wink Murder. What a lovely active day we had.

Well-being day! Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl!

Years 5 and 6 took part in lots of different activities which promote a positive mental health, these included; Forest School, baking, team-building games, Lego, K’nex, art and more….! We think everyone had a great time, even if the biscuits didn’t taste quite as we had hoped!

Diwrnod Shwmae/Shwmae Day

Today we enjoyed learning the song, ‘Shwmae, Shwmae’, colouring Welsh pictures and wearing our Welsh colours for ‘Shwmae Shwmae Day.’

Wellbeing Day\Diwrnod Lles

We have had a wonderful morning of wellbeing activities. The children have loved developing their circus skills, painting symmetrical butterflies, modelling with playdough, playing games and baking cupcakes!